You moan about your aches and pains now, but wait ‘til you see what this lot have to put up with! Arriving specially for the not-so-festive season of Halloween, the staff and patients of the NHS! ... Not very exciting sounding, is it? Well, this isn’t the NHS you may think it is: this is the National HORROR Service!!

Those of a more delicate disposition may want to look away, because we’re getting ready for some blood and guts! This collection is BRAND NEW this Halloween, and we at Hollywood can’t wait to see what you guys think of it! These costumes and accessories may not be for the squeamish mind; they come with amazingly realistic gory injuries, enough to make a real doctor faint!

Make everyone feel sick to their stomach with our bruised and bloodied Zombie Doctor and Zombie Nurse, who have the worst bedside manner we've ever seen! If these costumes aren't bloody enough for you, splatter your outfit with some of our fake blood and injuries! Then you're guaranteed to make some stomachs turn.

[caption id="attachment_288" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Show me where it hurts..."][/caption]

To have a look at the full National Horror Service collection, check out our website or pop in to one of our three stores… if you dare!