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Olympics 2016

  1. Olympic Games 2016

    Olympic Games 2016
    Olympic GamesThe four year wait is finally over and the eyes of the whole World will be on Rio to deliver the most exciting Olympic Games yet! Tune in from the 5th to the 21st August to cheer on your country. Olympic Games As the name suggests, the first games were held in Olympia. It all began back in 776 BC in the time of the ancient Greeks, sports events were held in honour of the god Zeus. The games continued on for 12 centuries before being suspended in 392AD by Emperor Theodosius who banned anything he deemed a “pagan cult”. Almost exactly 1,500 years later in 1896 Greece reclaimed their history and began holding the Olympic Games once again in Athens. This was the beginning of the modern Olympics which has shaped the events we see today. Continue reading →

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