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Pirate Day

  1. Harry Paye 2024

    Harry Paye 2024
    Arr me hearty's it’s time for Poole's annual Pirate festival. With Harry Paye 2024 fast approaching dust off your inner pirate, and remember the legend that is Harry Paye. The main event is on Saturday 15th June, with the shenanigans beginning at 12 noon. Harry Paye was a privateer pirate employed by King Henry the 4th . He sailed the...
  2. Harry Paye Day 2023

    Harry Paye Day 2023
    Arr me O’l land lovers, it be time to take up the cutlass and fly the Jolly Rodger with pride. Harry Paye Day 2023 is upon us.. Our gentleman pirate Harry Paye, needs you! It's time to take up arms and defend our shores from French and Spanish invaders. It is time to protect and pay tribute to our beloved...
  3. Harry Paye Day 2022

    Harry Paye Day 2022
    Harry Paye Day parade is back! Like a lot of things 2022 sees the return of many events that have been cancelled over the last 2 years. Harry Paye Day is no exception. On Saturday the 18th of June sees the parade of pirates on Poole quay. Who is Harry Paye?  Harry Paye, was a privateer and smuggler from Poole, Dorset in the late 14th and early 15th...
  4. Talk Like A Pirate Day 2017

    Talk Like A Pirate Day 2017
    6Talk Like A Pirate Day sails away annually on Tuesday September 19th 2017. All you bilge rats, Aaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrgh! As you are out and about on September 19th, don’t be surprised if people are saying, “Ahoy Matie,” “Avast,” “Aye, Aye Capt’n,” “Land ho!” “Hornpipe,” and many other pirate-like phrases, because it’s International Talk Like a Pirate Day. HOW TO OBSERVE Anchor’s away...

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